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Knowing the planet is the first step to protect it.

Photographic-scientific projects

Waves of tomorrow
The real impact of Sea Level Rise

In recent decades, the exponential rise in global temperatures has caused obvious climate anomalies, leading to a reduction in the Earth's ice cover and a rise in sea levels.  

Currently, the cryosphere has shrunk by 40% since 1950, while sea levels are rising at an exponential rate of 3.5 millimetres per year. 

The Macromicro Association, with its decades of experience, decided to launch a visual and scientific communication project on the phenomenon of rising seas. With the help of a team of photographers, filmmakers, scientists and communication experts, Macromicro Association intends to study the various aspects of this ongoing process with the aim of popularising and raising awareness of the issue.

On the Trail of the Glaciers
Exploring the past for a sustainable future

On the Trail of the Glaciers is a photographic-scientific project that combines photographic comparisons and scientific research in order to divulge the effects of climate change through the observation of glacier mass variations over the last 150 years.




Earth's Memory
Glaciers, witnesses of the climate crisis

The Earth's Memory exhibition displays the overall results of the photographic-scientific project "On the trail of the glaciers", which over the past 13 years has documented the effects of climate change on the Earth's most important mountain glaciers.

The images, presented in large format and at very high print quality, have been taken during eight expeditions to glaciers in the Karakorum, Caucasus, Alaska, Andes, Himalayas and the Alps.

Thanks to a proven graphic concept and the synthesis of artistic experience and scientific research, the exhibition presents photographic comparisons with great visual impact combined with the dissemination of scientific data gathered by the researchers involved in the expeditions.

The contents are presented using the most modern techniques of interactive design and data visualisation: large screen projections, interactive video installations, immersive images and time-lapse lead the visitor into the profound and complex link between human species and nature.

Italian Routes
Mountains, Mountaineering, Climate Change.

A project of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation realised in collaboration with the non-profit association Macromicro and curated by Fabiano Ventura.

The aim of the exhibition Italian Routes. Mountains, Mountaineering, Climate Change is to communicate to an international audience the great Italian tradition linked to mountain culture and mountaineering as a means of knowledge of the mountain territory, the values of which this environment is the bearer, the importance of environmental awareness in accessing natural habitats and the attention that Italy pays to the defence of ecosystems.

Educational projects

Next Generation 2.0
The challenges of climate change

We believe in the importance of spreading environmental awareness among the younger generations and in the communicative power of images.

For this reason, we have structured educational programmes with the contents of our projects, collaborating with science communicators and teachers at various educational levels.

Through cycles of lectures, lessons in schools, laboratories and workshops - also in live streaming - we work to transmit to the new generations the important values of environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity and conscious and sustainable economic growth.

For the design of Next Generation activities, we rely on a Scientific Committee and the advice of creative people committed to environmental issues, who can convey to the new generations the soundness of scientific awareness through engaging and multidisciplinary forms. More information.


Conferenze nazionali e internazionali (provvisorio)

(Testo provvisorio) L’incontro con il pubblico per creare interesse verso le tematiche ambientali è una delle nostre priorità.
Il nostro team di fotografi, ricercatori e divulgatori ha ideato la conferenza “Sulle Tracce dei Ghiacciai” sul tema del cambiamento climatico per eventi e incontri pubblici.

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    Contact us to find out how to participate in our activities and events

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