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12 October 2010

Convegno alla Società Geografica Italiana

Within the framework of the project "On the Trails of the Glaciers", following the first expedition that took place in the summer of 2009 in Karakorum, on 15 October 2010 the conference entitled "1909-2009: One Hundred Years of Glaciology and Photography in Karakorum. Problems and results of a centuries-old symbiosis'. It is scheduled to include talks by Prof. Claudio Smiraglia, Prof. Kenneth Hewitt and Fabiano Ventura, among others.

A selection of images from the photographic exhibition "On the Trails of the Glaciers. 1909-2009: a century of climate change on the Karakorum glaciers" held with great success last winter at the Sala S. Rita in Rome.

Conference Programme


Franco Salvatori
Presidente della Società Geografica Italiana

Fabiano Ventura
Presidente dell’Associazione Macromicro

Conference opening and official greetings
Felice Egidi
Responsabile Affari Regolamentari
Enel Green Power
Planet-friendly renewable energies
Prof. Claudio Smiraglia
Università Statale di Milano
Facoltà di Scienze della Terra
Già Presidente del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano
Introduction: Studying glaciers from Antarctica to Karakorum: meaning and purpose of cryosphere studies.
Prof. Kenneth Hewitt
Professore Emerito di Geografia e Studi Ambientali
Ricercatore del Cold Regions Research Centre
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo (Ontario), Canada
From the high ground: images, mainly photographic, and scientific understanding of Karakoram glaciers, 1846-2010
Prof. Claudio Smiraglia
Università Statale di Milano
Facoltà di Scienze della Terra
Già Presidente del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano
At the foot of K2: a century of maps and photographs as a contribution to knowledge of Baltoro, the Italians' glacier
Fabiano Ventura
Fotografo di montagna
Presidente dell’Associazione Macromicro
The 'On the Trail of the Glaciers' project and technical aspects of high altitude photography
Smiraglia, Hewitt, VenturaConclusions and discussion with the audience

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1909-2009: One hundred years of glaciology and photography in the Karakoram. Problems and results of a centuries-old symbiosis.

Friday 15 October 2010
Time 15:30 – 18:30
Free entrance

Lecture Hall of the Italian Geographic Society

Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana

Via della Navicella 12, Roma

For more info:

  • Press Office Società Geografica Italiana
    tel. 06/7008279
  • Press Office Associazione Macromicro
    tel. 06/452217040
Technical sponsor
Organisation by

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